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The bridge

Our Journey

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” – Zig Ziglar

New York
The Early Days
NY is where we found Jesus and eachother. In our early 20s we each started working in the ministry on Long Island. From the worship team to youth ministry, and even chaplaincy. Our hunger for God and learning produced in us a passion for serving. We often found ourselves working alongside church and community leaders. In the first years of our marriage we went on our first vision retreat. Our desire was to seek God and know how to lead our family with His purposes in mind. It was there that God started speaking to us about a move. In 2005, we packed our belongings and moved our family south.
North Carolina
Ministry Crash Course

We landed in North Carolina and a local pastor helped us unload our moving truck. We settled into the Triangle area and set up a church plant called Sea of Blessing/Mar de Bendicion. Years later RTN, the local public access TV station, taught us how to use their rental equipment and we produced our first TV show called Home Team. Another milestone came when we connected toChristian International’s prophetic teaching. What a game changer! In 2012 wewere on the verge of becoming empty nesters and found ourselves sensing another adventure.

South Carolina
Hitting the Reset Button

Eager to follow God’s leading, we packed a moving truck one more time and landed in the Upstate of South Carolina. This time we had a church family to welcome us and offer support. A year later we started Iglesia Dominio. We had more equipping and support than we ever had before, but something was missing. We had not experienced the growth we expected and honestly, we were burnt out. Ironically, we did experience growth in the media arena, an audience whose faces we could not see. After a time of prayer and fasting we closed the doors to our church plant and now continue on as a bilingual itinerant ministry called The Bridge. In addition, our program Dominion Today/Dominio Hoy airs weekly on Vida TV.

The Pioneers

Dr. Marc Garcia

Dr. Marc Garcia earned his Doctorate in Biblical Studies from the North Carolina College of Theology in 2006. He has written multiple books, leads NVMedia and is passionate about ministry leadership.


Blanca Garcia

Blanca Garcia earned her Masters Degree in Biblical Studies from North Carolina College of theology. She works F/T as a marketing manager for a real estate group and is passionate about family.

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